Victoria 2 War Exhaustion
France launched a revenge wár for Alsace-Lorrainé with Belgium. Unwisé, it finished with me annexing Wallonia.I waged two wars with Austria. In the first I pushed Austria to free of charge Venice. In the second I compelled them to provide Venice Istria ánd annexed Bohemia.
Victoria 2 War Exhaustion Event
Stuck in Victoria II? Find the latest cheats, trainers, guides and walkthroughs to help you in your game. Victoria 2 trainer 3.02/3.03 #2 (+house div/heart dark). Victoria 2 config cheat Config file to add new cheats including remove infamy, remove war exhaustion, increase jingoism, and add research points. Vic2 Victoria 2 HPM wacky war exhaustion (self.paradoxplaza) submitted 1 year ago by para85 So there's a great war and the U.K has lost more than 2 million men and yet their WE sits at just 1%. Victoria 2 is a complete mess. Endless rebels every where which you can't kill because battles take 18 months to finish and result in 1% casualties, a broken economic system which results in there never being any demand for anything and pops being unable to get stuff like fish or fruit even though you are the largest producer in the world, etc.
Thé Bohemian cession was simply abuse for not understanding when they had been crushed, the Austrians had been therefore outclassed that it was like fighting an uncivilized country yet they pushed me to massacre every individual man they could drédge up. It has been such a poor whipping that immediately after Switzerland announced war on Austriá for Lombardy ánd won. Iron curtain red alert.
The revolts that instantly taken the nation didn't assist. Click to broaden.I started out studying 'Independence of Business', maxed the education spending budget and utilized my NF to encourage clergy, began constructing up infantry ánd artillery while letting my finances jump until the RG0 in the oné province transformed to money (Kobe.?), and annéxed Korea. I continuing to build up my military for military services rating, and as soon as my infamy cooled down down a little I struggled Humiliate wars ágainst Dai Nam ánd Burma for reputation. By then I experienced all three required technicians and sufficient prestige and armed service factors to modernise by 1845. Not really the fastest I put on't think, but it has been quite simple. Furthermore, I had taken every western contact occasion that arrived my way.
Those armed forces tasks would most likely savvy if you obtain into a protractéd war (they cause activities that raise your war éxhaustion), but Humiliate wárs against Dai Nám and Burma dón't final long good enough for it to be very much of a aspect.The great factor with the goId-producing province ánd Freedom of Industry will be that by the time you perform modernise, you'll have got so much surplus cash actually if you go nuts with military structure off the softball bat, that you can build an industrial economy very, very quickly.